Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects.
Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) is a key learning area that requires students to work with teams, learn communication, problem solving and creative design skills.
TAS is also a safe learning environment and is required by the Department of Education and Communities to have specialised safety equipment in place. In the workshops and kitchens, students are required to wear "leather school shoes". Leather or cloth sports shoes and walkers are not appropriate for the practical experiences in the TAS rooms. If you need more information feel free to contact the TAS Head Teacher.
Within the TAS learning area at Leichhardt Campus we offer a variety of courses:
- Technology Mandatory for Year 7 and 8.
- Food Technology Elective
- Textiles Technology Elective
- Information and Software Technology Elective
- Industrial Technology - Timber Elective
- Industrial Technology - Engineering Elective
- Graphics Technology Elective
The rationale for studying technology and gaining an understanding of design processes is that it enables people to manage, interpret, shape and alter their environment to improve their quality of life at home, school, in work places and in the broader community. The rapid rate of technological change in an increasingly knowledge-based society highlights the need for flexible technological capability, innovative thinking and effective communication skills.
Technology education integrates both procedural and conceptual knowledge based on a holistic view of design. Students identify needs that have personal relevance, apply design theory and use design processes that encourage flexibility, resourcefulness and imagination in the development, communication and production of quality solutions.
Students learn about technologies and use a range of materials, tools and techniques relevant to the personal, commercial and global areas of human activity. Technologies assume increased importance when they are applied to solve real problems and to create ideas and solutions in response to needs and opportunities for customers, clients or themselves. They can be used to add functional, aesthetic and environmental value to products.
Students can further develop a fascination with, and enjoyment of, innovating and creating through making decisions and in their production of working solutions. They will experience a core of design processes and technological experiences. In the broader community, the application of this process can involve the consideration of factors relating to organisations, people, environments, sustainability, appropriateness, materials, machines and equipment, systems, communication infrastructures, social and ethical solutions.