Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt Campus

Quality, Opportunity, Diversity

Telephone02 9560 2355

Mobile phone and Digital Devices

Mobile Phone and Digital Devices Procedure


This procedure guides student use of digital devices and online services at our school aligned to the following NSW DoE policies:

• Use of Mobile Phones in Schools policy

• Student use of digital devices and online services policy

Our school acknowledges the educational value of digital devices and online services in supporting and enhancing educational outcomes and student wellbeing. We also recognise they may cause harm if used inappropriately and that we need to support our students to use them in safe, responsible, and respectful ways.

Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt has strong teaching and learning practices to support students in the classroom using various forms of approved technology devices, which maximises the benefits and minimises the risks of digital environments and prepare students for life beyond school.


This procedure provides a consistent framework for the safe, responsible, and respectful use of digital devices and online services by students in our school. It sets out the shared responsibilities of school staff, students and parents and carers.

This procedure covers student use of mobile phones, unapproved digital devices, and online services in school-related settings, including on school grounds, at school-related activities and outside of school where there is a clear and close connection between the school and the conduct of students.

Our School’s Approach

At Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt campus- mobile phones are to be ‘off and away all day’ in student bags before students enter the school grounds.

For the purposes of implementation mobile phones and other unapproved digital devices such as tablets, mini speakers and gaming devices are not to be used at school. Associated listening accessories – such as but not limited to headphones, ear pods and ear buds may be used in class under teacher direction. Smart watches may be worn but must be on flight mode at school and not used to access call and messaging services or other wireless functions.

Laptops are approved learning devices and are subject to ‘acceptable use’ agreements. These can only be used for educational purposes and under teacher supervision. There is to be no gaming on laptops in class or during breaks.

The Leichhardt Way promotes Respectful, Responsible Learners as part of the positive behaviour for learning framework and reinforces the implementation of the mobile phone ban.

The Leichhardt Way

Students will follow established classroom procedures including the SSCL Classroom Routines which supp orts the responsible educational use of approved digital devices such as laptops, headphones, and digital cameras in the classroom under teacher supervision.

‘Off and away all day’ includes before and after school; during class, recess, and lunch; on school grounds or in designated spaces; off school grounds on excursions and other school events such as camps and off-site sport; on other educational sites such as TAFE; during detentions and examinations. Teachers will always be sensitive to student safety for example allowing students to call parents on mobile phones at the end of an evening school activity to arrange safe travels home.

Students who choose to bring mobile phones should have these ‘off and away all day’ in their bag or stored securely in a student locker. Students bring these devices to school at their own risk and the school is not responsible for damage, loss, or theft of such devices.

Regarding smart watches these should effectively be on flight mode when the mobile phone is “off and away all day” in student bags. Smart watches that are used for calls and messaging during the school day will be treated as a breach of the mobile phone ban.

If a mobile phone or other unapproved device needs to be surrendered to school staff as a disciplinary measure, it will be stored securely in the school office. Students will be required to pick up the unapproved device at the end of the school day after the final bell and prior to 3.30pm. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up the unapproved device at the end of the school day. The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of any items left overnight. In some instances, parents may be contacted to pick up the unapproved digital device such as a mobile phone from the school.


"Technology should be integrated in meaningful ways to empower students to create and share their learning. Technology enables students to learn anytime and anywhere, and to make connections beyond the classroom. Effective use of technology is facilitated by classroom environments that are flexible and collaborative and are encouraged by pedagogies that are engaging and personalised." (Futures Learning Unit, NSW DoE, 2017)

All students are expected to come to school with a fully charged device that meets the device standards (see Appendix 1: Device Specifications. NOTE: Mobile phones and tablets such as iPads are not considered appropriate devices). Students should expect to use their device in most lessons.

Laptops are approved learning devices and are subject to acceptable use agreements. These can only be used for educational purposes and under teacher supervision. There is to be no gaming on laptops in class or during breaks.

There is a BYOD Equity Program to ensure the availability of devices for all students. In the case of financial hardship, students can borrow a loan laptop for the term. Additionally, day loan is available for students who forget their device or whose device is being repaired.

Access to online services

To help protect students (and staff) from malicious web activity and inappropriate websites, the school operates a comprehensive web filtering system. Any device connected to the internet through the school network will have filtering applied. The filtering system provides a layer of protection to staff and students against inappropriate web pages, spyware and malware, peer-to-peer sessions, scams and identity theft.

The only appropriate way for students to access online services at school is via the web filtering system. Accessing online services using an alternative system is not permitted. Mobile phones must be “off and away all day” and must not be used for hot spotting.

The school purpose-built web filtering solution takes a precautionary approach to blocking websites including those that do not disclose information about their purpose and content. The school’s filtering approach represents global best-practice in internet protection measures. However, despite internal departmental controls to manage content on the internet, illegal, dangerous, or offensive information may be accessed or accidentally displayed. Teachers will always exercise their duty of care but avoiding or reducing access to harmful information also requires responsible use by the student. Students are required to report any internet site accessed that is considered inappropriate. Any suspected security breach involving students, users from other schools, or from outside the NSW DET network must also be reported to the school.


Exemptions to any part of this procedure may apply for some students in exceptional circumstances. Parents and carers can request an exemption, and these will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Except where required by law, the school principal has discretion to consider and approve exemptions and to specify when and where the exemption may apply. The exemption may be ongoing or for a certain time. Parents/carers seeking an exemption must put their request in writing to the school principal outlining the exceptional circumstances. The principal retains the right to review and revise the exemption, especially in instances involving misuse.

Use of digital devices must be permitted if a student requires a digital device or online service for medical reasons or for reasonable adjustments made as part of their individual education plan as required by law. These are not considered exemptions.


The SSCL Positive Behaviour for Learning policy is used to manage all behavioural issues at the school including inappropriate use of laptop device in the classroom or playground. Laptops are for educational use only.

If a student does not comply with teacher instructions, the classroom teacher will escalate the issue to their Head Teacher, so the issue can be resolved at the executive level. Further escalation will involve the Deputy Principal/Principal.


Contact between students and parents and carers during the school day

Should a student need to contact their parent/carer during the school day, they must: 

• Approach the administration office and ask for the office to contact the parent/carer. 

• When off the school site, a student requests a staff member to contact the school office with a message that can be conveyed to parents/carers.

• Note that during school hours, parents and carers are expected to only contact their children via the school office.

Responsibilities and obligations

For students

• Be safe, responsible, and respectful users of digital devices and online services and support their peers to be the same.

• Respect and follow school rules and procedures and the decisions made by staff, knowing that other schools may have different arrangements.

• Communicate respectfully and collaboratively with peers, school staff and the school community and behave in the ways described in the Behaviour Code for Students and aligned to the Leichhardt Way.

• Students may not use mobile phones and other unapproved digital devices while on school grounds at any time. ‘School grounds’ extends to school excursions, school sport including sports carnivals, and other events at the school or off site where an approved school activity takes place, unless otherwise advised.

• Mobile phones are to be ‘off and away all day’ from the time students enter school grounds in the morning until they have left school grounds at the end of the day. This includes before school, break times and sport. SMART watches must be on flight mode and not used for calls and messaging. Earbuds/pods/headphones are to remain in student bags.

• Students must take full responsibility for any digital device brought to school, including mobile phones. The school or staff will not be responsible for their loss, theft, or damage. Students who bring their devices to school, do so at their own risk.

• Laptops are to be used for educational purposes under teacher supervision. There is to be no gaming on laptops. Laptops may be used in the library at recess and lunch only to complete schoolwork and only in the designated zone.

• Students will be required to use a debit card/cash to pay for purchases at the canteen.

For parents and carers

• Recognise the role they play in educating their children and modelling the behaviours that underpin the safe, responsible, and respectful use of digital devices and online services.

• Support implementation of the school procedure, including its approach to resolving issues.

• Take responsibility for their child’s use of digital devices and online services at home such as use of online services with age and content restrictions.

• Communicate with school staff and the school community respectfully and collaboratively as outlined in the School Community Charter.

• Switch off or put their digital devices on silent when at official school functions and during meetings.

• Provide approved digital devices that meet school specifications where a school is participating in a bring your own device program and complete any related paperwork.

• Provide access to a debit card and/or cash where school canteen use is required or setup an online account through Munch Monitor.

For the principal and teachers 

Deliver learning experiences that encourage safe, responsible and respectful use of digital devices and online services. This includes: 

• Consistently implement agreed classroom expectations for using digital devices and online services, in line with this procedure and departmental policy.

• Identifying strategies to ensure that all students are able to engage in classroom activities including strategies to accommodate students without a digital device.

• Reading and abiding by the Terms of Service for any online services they use in teaching, including those limiting use by age.

• Educating students about online privacy, intellectual property, copyright, digital literacy and other online safety related issues.

• Model appropriate use of digital devices and online services in line with departmental policy.

• Respond to and report any breaches and incidents of inappropriate use of digital devices and online services as required by school procedures, departmental policy, and any statutory and regulatory requirements. This includes: 

- Reporting the creation, possession, or distribution of indecent or offensive material to the Incident Support and Report hotline as required by the Incident Notification and Response Policy and Procedures and consider any mandatory reporting requirements.

- Working with the department and the Office of the eSafety Commissioner (if necessary) to resolve cases of serious online bullying and image-based abuse. 

- Following the school’s behaviour management plan when responding to any incident of inappropriate student behaviour relating to the use of digital devices or online services. 

- If feasible and particularly as issues emerge, support parents and carers to understand strategies that promote their children’s safe, responsible and respectful use of digital devices and online services. 

- Participate in professional development related to appropriate use of digital devices and online services.

For non-teaching staff, volunteers and contractors

• Be aware of the department’s policy, school procedure and act in line with the conduct described.

• Report any inappropriate use of digital devices and online services to the principal,

school executive or school staff they are working with.

Communicating this procedure to the school community

Students will be informed about this procedure in person at school and via digital communication.

Parents and carers will be advised via email and the school newsletter. This procedure can be accessed electronically via the school’s website and in hardcopy at the school’s administration office.


If a student, parent, or carer has a complaint under this procedure, they should first follow our school’s complaint process. If the issue cannot be resolved, please refer to the department’s guide for students/parents/carers about making a complaint about our schools.


The principal or delegated staff will review this procedure annually.


Appendix 1: Device Specifications

Our recommended specifications are developed from the requirements of devices to use for NAPLAN Online.

The device should be:

  • Laptop or a 2 in 1 device
  • Battery Life of 6+ hours
  • Light weight, under 1.5 kg
  • 11" or larger screen
  • Dual Band Wi-Fi with a/g/b/n

Additionally, the following is required:

  • The ability to connect earphones/headphones
  • A physical keyboard
  • A mouse or other pointing device
  • 8GB RAM, 1Ghz processor, 32 GB of free hard drive space

iPads and Android tablets are not suitable BYOD devices. These devices lack the functionality required in the classroom.


Appendix 2: Department of Education Policy links

Student use of mobile phones in schools policy:

Student use of mobile phones in schools procedures:

Digital Devices and Online Services for Students policy:


Appendix 3: School Community Charter