Bullying of any kind is not acceptable in NSW schools.
NSW Public schools are committed to providing safe, supportive and responsive learning environments for all students and staff. We teach and model the behaviours we value in our students.
Promoting the learning, wellbeing and safety of all students in NSW Public Schools is a high priority for the Department of Education.
We implement teaching and learning approaches that support the development of skills needed by students to meet our high standards for respectful, safe and engaged behaviour.
The NSW Public Schools Behaviour Code for Students outlines the behaviour expectations for all students to keep schools safe and prioritise learning for all students.
The NSW anti-bullying website brings together information and resources for teachers, students, parents and carers. It helps to identify, prevent and respond effectively to student bullying, including online bullying. It provides information about online safety and what you can do if your child has been bullied, witnessed bullying or been involved in bullying.
For more information on anti-bullying strategies for NSW public schools refer to the department’s Bullying of Students – Prevention and Response Policy.
For information on racial bullying and anti-racism education for NSW public schools refer to: