02 May 2018
Attention parents
At Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt we have a parent and student portal in Sentral-our administration system.
In term 1 2018 emails were sent to all parents with instructions for our student and parent portal in Sentral. If you did not receive this email then please contact the school to correct your email address we have on our administration systems. Parents who have already registered in 2017 will still have the same access they set up in 2017 and not have to re-register( even though a new email will be sent)
Parents will be asked to register online by:
Logging on to the Internet and registering for access at Parent Register(there is also a link to the registration site on the school website on the main page under the our school tab- labelled parent portal registration
Parents will then prompted to create a username using their email address and create a password.
To see information from the school and to link to your enrolled children, enter the access key provided
in the letter emailed.
Please note that the access key is case sensitive so copy it into the box provided on screen, exactly as it appeared in the letter.
The URL for continued access to the portal is: https://leichhardt-h.sentral.com.au/portal2/
There is also a link on the school website on the main page under the our school tab -labelled Student and parent portal(this is where you would sign in after registering)
Once logged on parents can see their child's timetable, messages posted for students, reports, the newsletter-highlights, calendars for assessment and school events relevant to students and parents, naplan results and attendance, as well as family contact details you have supplied the school.
Parents can update family details in this portal and once entered a message will be sent to the school with the change, prompting our admin staff to update the change.
Student Progress Interviews(previously called Parent Teacher Interviews) bookings will now be made via this Sentral parent portal. Whilst the booking period is not yet open once it is in term 2 parents will simply select a time slot to meet with their child's teacher/s. This will be first in first served basis. Your schedule is complete when you have finished booking-locked in. Some changes will be able to be made if there are vacant time slots.
This is the only way to make bookings with teachers. Please contact the school on 95602355 if you need assistance. Dates for student progress interviews are:
Year 7 Term 2 27th June- 4.00pm -7.30pm
Year 8 Term 2 5th July- 4.00pm - 7.30pm
Year 9 Term 3 26th July- 4.00pm-7.30pm
Year 10 Term 3 7th August- 4.00pm- 7.30pm
Any queries can be directed to the school on 95602355.